Pune (Poona) means “the place where good things happen” and it was like that until the last day there!
After working in Himmal, the centre who takes care of the spastic children, I, with the help of Francisca, Liz and Joe, organized a fare well benefit party inviting everybody from the Iyengar Institute.
It was really nice, I made a presentation of the photos that I toke while volunteering at Himmal during their daily activities and sold the products they made with the sweet help of the art therapist who works with them and all the lovely staff who take care of them. We even make a ruffle with pictures of BKS Iyengar as the first prices. At the end we collected and donated enough money to pay for the tuition of one child for 1,5 months and we spread the word of how people who go to practice yoga can help the community while being here.
The experience was so beautiful and rewarding; only to see them each day, play and laugh with them was fantastic! They where so happy to see their pictures, to take them home! I even teach some of them to take pictures!
I will like to thank Liz for the candles and decoration for the party, to Francisca, for her high energy Bollywood Dancing, to Smita, who let us use her flat as ours all the time with the most warm smile, to Vashinta who cook the Parathas and Jeera Rice, to the manager of the centre for trusting me, letting me get involved, to all the staff of Himmal for opening their hearts, to the spastics people for being more than my friends, my small brothers and sisters and to all the Iyengar yoga teachers and students who came and help us to create a world full of love and unity.
If any of you want to make donation to the centre, please contact me, any amount will be appreciated! Thanks for your support!
With all my Love, Debbie
Shredding paper for selling it
Card that we use at the party as a gift for supporters
1 comentario:
Querida Debbie!
Por tus relatos brilla la felicidad que sientes en tu corazon! Como hace feliz a uno, cuando puede prestar ayuda a otro, verdad?
No hay que buscar la "felicidad" afuera, esto esta dentro de nosotros!
Que D-os te bendiga y te guie en tu camino!
Con amor: M.
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