miércoles, julio 04, 2007

Pune, after 1 week :)

Pune, July 4th 2007, 7:15am

More than one week has passed since I left Miami, it seems more to me, maybe its because the intensity of living that I am experiencing here, and with it I mean the growing and awareness that I have the purpose of developing during this (continous) journey.

My room feels like a home to me, I redecorate it, put some photos, my journal/books, put the bed under the window and my grandma’s alarm clock near me. I have new friends from Australia and Spain, very nice people!

I began my art lessons with drawing, I love it and found it very relaxing, as a meditation practice, as having just fun playing. It was interesting to realize that I was REALLY fearful of drawing, of not-being-able, of not-being-good-enough… but, not good enough for what? As I am reading the book “Radical Acceptance, by Tara Brach” (thank you so much Susan for this present!), I can clearly see how my mind keeps doing that sometimes, making me feel not good enough.

Tara, in her book, calls it the trance of unworthiness, and is something that everybody must face in their lives. It’s beautiful to find so many ways of going thru it, the more I go in any direction, more I think there are not magic formulas for jumping over it, its all about facing it. Like transpersonal psychology teaches: a deep and beautiful journey inside ourselves, "el camino del heroe", a magical story tale with huge obstacles as dragons, a gorgeous treasure, a maze, wizards, fairies; each thing having a deep meaning in our inner path towards our inner development of true happiness.

As every journey, it has moments of difficulties, when fear arises, sadness take us and delusion confront us, but the prize is worth the journey: unconditional love for ourselves and others, no more conflict between good and bad, fullness of spirit and a peaceful feeling that light is everywhere, in every cell of our body and eternally connected with the light outside, with the universe. Its beautiful when our hearts dive completely in the warm feeling of being part of something really big, in a ocean of light, only possible when we just let go…

:) I completely forget about the blog, but isn’t it about sharing?
I feel so joyful of feeling the openness to share with the world, with you that are my friends and family, with everybody willing to connect…

I have Iyengar classes every morning, where I am learning to find opportunities from learning instead of judging what I see. At the beginning I (my ego) was very disappointed because they did not assign me the most “important” teachers which I expected, but was a matter of minutes before I trusted again that whatever-happens-is-the-best.

I like my no senior teachers, don’t know them all because they change everyday, but until now I am feeling that I am learning and practicing (yoga, humbleness and contentment). The westerners that I know that are going to Geeta and Prashad teachings (Mr Iyengar’s daughter and son), says (and I saw that already) that they scream at people, mistreat them, and are not really hospitable, even if their teachings are great.

I find it good for learning that there are not fixed paths to happiness but only great teachers with tools that we can use however we want. I am sure, Iyengar Yoga is a powerful tool for developing awareness and a non pain life in a physical and intellectual level but like everything else, must be used as a tool instead as a unique reality where the ego can lay down and feel that now he knows everything.

On the other hand, I went to the Osho Meditation Resort, and found it amazing! Beautiful, clean, spectacular, with breathtaking gardens and minimalistic buildings, with lots of courses and different activities to join, so... I decided to go next Friday, Saturday and Sunday for a 3 day course called Art with Heart, that seems to be as Art Therapy :)

Last but not least, I have been hearing all the Kabbalah lectures that David download to my i-pod before living (Thank u a thousand times!) I absolutly LOVE IT, it gives me a lot of clarity, answers, new tools and probably a new passion.

I love to find out that there is a realm of no contradiction nor opposition, where everything that you learn, no matter who was the channel for that specific teaching, it’s the same :) It’s all about LOVE and LIGHT and personal practice and helping others and peace, so simple, isn’t it?

Ohh!! The sun just came out! What a wonderful day! See you all very soon! Blessings and light to everyone of you, let’s connect and hug ourselves and wish for a better world and light, light, light to come to our lives and the world!

“All you need is already within you, only you must approach yourself with reverence and love. Self-condemnation and self-distrust are grievous errors… all I plead with you is this: make love of your self perfect.” Sri Nisargadatta
I took this one from my bedroom window, it is the post office of Model Colony @ Poona :) Love the trees here! The other 2 photos are on my way walking to the institute, huge grren trees everywhere! This is how things look around here!

3 comentarios:

Unknown dijo...

Querida Hijita!
Gracias por compartir tus experiencias, aventuras, pensamientos con nosotros.
Asi me permites estar mas cerca de Ti.
Recibe mis bendiciones y todo mi amor:M.

Andrea dijo...

Hola Sister,
Me encanta que seas feliz, que consigas y veas todo desde un punto de vista que desconocemos por no mirar con el alma en vez de mirar con los ojos.
TQM y me encanta tenerte como hermana...
D-os te bendiga y cuide.
Besos, Andy

Ma dijo...

Me encanta tener noticias tuyas.
Siempre son gratas y esperanzadoras.
Sigue enseñándonos el mundo a través de tus ojos, que es la mejor manera de saber de tí.
Te queremos